The fair Biocybèle

For the French, Bio means organic, and Cybele is a Phrygian deity. She is the Great Mother of the world, the vegetative and wild power of Nature. Goddess of fertility, she shares with Jupiter the sovereign power over the reproduction of plants, animals, gods and men.

The organisation Nature et Progrès arranges the fair Biocybèle each year to honor organic farming, and we paid it a visit! Here we got to know about the Alternative publisher Alterrenat Presse, that offers great books on themes like vegan cooking and permaculture.

Anyone could try to cut grass with a scythe – something I had done not long ago, it’s really efficient, and reminds me of doing qi gong! A couple of guys demonstrated how to do lumberjack work the old-fashioned and ergonomic way, while chanting to keep the rhythm.

There were eco construction workshops to show how to build a strawbale and mud house, and the people behind the local currency CEP had a stand to inform about the benefits of an alternative economic solution. Several craftsmen and -women were selling their handmade products. Permaculture gardening was of course also presented.

The percussion group Da Tookba contributed to a lively ambiance, seeds were sold, falafels were eaten, dishes were done by everyone, bee hives were shown, impro songs sung… It was one of the nicer fairs I’ve been to. 

Want to know more about alternative ways of living in Tarn? Check out Alternatives Tarn!

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